Portfolio Diversification
Portfolio Diversification
Gold has a low correlation to other financial assets, which allows gold to help lower portfolio volatility when other assets experience decline.
Risk Mitigation
Risk Mitigation
Managing risks is critical to optimizing portfolio performance. Gold's historical benefits during up markets and down can provide ballast for portfolios.
Long-term Performance
Long-term Performance
Gold has historically provided competitive long-term returns through a variety of market cycles. Adding gold may improve portfolio risk-adjusted returns over the long run.
Wealth Preservation
Wealth Preservation
Longer term, gold can potentially provide a unique store of value for investors. Gold has kept up with rising prices since the current free market opened in 1971.
Gold has a relatively deep and liquid trading market. Gold-backed ETFs provide additional liquidity in an accessible, easy-to-trade wrapper.
Diverse Demand Sectors
Diverse Demand Sectors
Gold plays many roles - as an investment, as a consumer good, and as a reserve asset. Demand from multiple sources may bolster gold’s price.