MyIncome ETF Bond Ladder Calculator

Building a bond ladder - a diversified bond portfolio that targets sequential maturity dates - can create a more reliable income stream, while minimizing the impact of interest rate moves. Use our calculator to build a customized bond ladder tailored to your income goals and investment needs.

The MyIncome ETF Bond Ladder Calculator is for illustrative purposes only. The examples shown are equally weighted and are not a recommendation.


Build Your Ladder

Select Bond Type

{{}}: {{bondType.desc}}

Add Investment Amount


Specify Maturity Range

Customize Your Ladder

{{ }}
{{ }}


Customized Ladder Characteristics

  • {{}}



Ladder Yield Curve as of {{asOfDate.averageMaturityInYears}}

Credit Quality as of {{asOfDate.qualityBreakdown}}


Name Weight
{{}} {{bankersRounding(item.y,2).toFixed(2) + '%'}}

Sector Allocation as of {{asOfDate.sectorBreakdown}}


Sector Weight
{{}} {{bankersRounding(item.y,2).toFixed(2) + '%'}}
Benefits of an Active Bond Ladder

Active bond ladders position portfolios for the market environment to help you manage cash flows, liquidity needs, and interest rate risk.

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