
Welcome to the Machine: Our Retirement Income Methodology

Innovation in retirement income continues to evolve within the defined contribution market – and our goal at State Street Global Advisors is to be at the forefront of this trend.

As participants transition from their working years to retirement, we realize the need for plan sponsors to equip participants with an easy-to-understand, responsible approach to spending down defined contribution assets.

Our methodology for taking distributions from retirement savings – in a way that is designed to be seamless and straightforward for the participant –aims to marry the need for flexibility with longevity protection. Rather than using a static, “set it and forget it” approach that ignores the many complexities that may arise over time, we believe that our methodology is dynamic, adaptive and backed by quantitative rigor.

In our latest paper, we offer a behind-the-scenes look into our methodology:

  • Our schematic process for drawdown rate calculation
  •  How our drawdown rate calculation intends to optimize retirement income distributions (in real terms) consistent with a pre-defined level of shortfall risk
  • Why we think the constant payout method (e.g., the 4% rule) is suboptimal
  • How we re-assess drawdown rates every year

Plan sponsors, advisors, and consultants can request the full paper by contacting us.

More on Defined Contribution