
From Bullion to Bitcoin: Study Shows Gold and Crypto Belong Together

Gold has been around for centuries, while crypto only recently burst onto the scene. How are investors using them in portfolios today — and what makes them distinct (yet complementary) assets?

7 min read

A Tale of Two Investment Trends: Gold Versus Crypto

Gold has a long, illustrious history. Its role in commerce dates back thousands of years: Lydians minted it into coins, ancient China traded gold ingots, and entire financial systems were based around the precious metal.

Crypto, by contrast, has a far shorter chapter in history books — with bitcoin, the first digital currency, launching in 2008. Yet, after an explosive emergence and widespread recognition as a newfound store of value, bitcoin was frequently likened to gold, even earning the nickname “digital gold” for its perceived similarities.

Could this explain why both gold and crypto have experienced a surge in adoption since March 2023? The percentage of high net worth (HNW) investors holding gold has increased from 20% to 38% — a 90% jump in only 15 months.1 Crypto climbed steadily in the same timeframe. Today, 31% of HNW investors hold the asset, a nearly 50% increase.2

But despite their titular ties and twin trajectories, these two assets are not interchangeable. For starters, almost one-quarter (23%) of HNW investors hold gold and crypto. In fact, our latest research underscores that investors and advisors increasingly view these assets as distinct, yet complementary, components of a diversified portfolio.

Stability Meets Growth: The Roles of Gold and Crypto in Investor Portfolios

We live in an information-driven world, where answers to most questions are a few keystrokes away. But a natural consequence of this reality is a temperamental financial market — one that constantly hungers for the next big innovation, while anxiously bracing for the next unforeseen headwind.

Within this context, perhaps dual adoption shouldn’t come as a surprise. Gold is traditionally known for stabilizing portfolios — for instance, a 10% portfolio allocation to gold has cushioned the blow of recent drawdowns by 154 basis points on average.3

Crypto, on the other hand, has faced seismic volatility in its short history, with an almost routine cadence of new highs, retractions, and rebounds. Yet, this market continues to regain its footing, due in large part to the undeniably revolutionary attributes of blockchain technology.

Our study findings reinforce these identities. Among investors who hold both gold and crypto, gold most often serves as a safe haven* and hedge against various market forces (Figure 1). Meanwhile, the majority of respondents use crypto for exposure to growth potential and technological innovation.

Interestingly though, investors see long-term growth potential in both gold and crypto (Figure 2).

Advisors share a similar perspective. According to our study, 58% of advisors associate crypto with high growth, while 46% see it as a tool for portfolio modernization and diversification. And in the same vein, almost half of advisors primarily value gold as a portfolio stabilizer. But, like investors, advisors see both gold and crypto as growth-oriented investments (Figure 3).

This suggests that these assets may be working individually (but cohesively) to meet immediate and future financial goals.

Figure 3: Top Five Reasons Advisors Recommend Gold and Crypto

Gold Crypto
Diversification 49% High-growth potential 58%
Long-term growth 46% Portfolio modernization 46%
Hedge against inflation 42% Diversification 46%
Protection against deflation 40% Early adoption advantage 42%
Safe-haven asset* 40% Global accessibility/decentralization 39%
  Exposure to innovative technology 39%

Source: State Street Global Advisors, 2024 Gold ETF Impact Study, data collected July and August 2024. Question asked: Why do you recommend investing in gold to clients? (Recommend Gold at Least Rarely: 298); Why do you recommend investing in crypto/bitcoin to clients? (Recommend Crypto/Bitcoin at Least Rarely: 280)

Ready to bolster your portfolio with gold and crypto? Learn more about the latest strategies for deploying these assets.

Why the Future Seems Bright for Gold and Crypto

Gold and crypto are often used as solutions to different short-term needs, but both assets are valued for their long-term possibilities. This perception may stem from several factors.

Gold: Resilience and Diversification

Because gold has historically demonstrated low correlation with equities and bonds, gold tends to behave independently from other major asset classes. This can help reduce overall portfolio risk — especially during periods of volatility.

Over the past 30 years, gold’s correlation with global equity markets like the US and Japan has ranged from near zero to negative (Figure 4); its highest correlation with fixed income (0.32 to US investment-grade bonds) is also relatively low (Figure 5).

Moreover, gold boasts a strong track record during systemic market shocks and tail events, regardless of the catalyst (financial crises, geopolitical tensions, economic downturns, liquidity issues, etc.).

When markets experience major drawdowns, gold has outperformed equities in most cases. Since 1987, during peak-to-trough drawdowns greater than 15% on the S&P 500® Index, gold delivered an average return of 5.83%, compared to a total return of -24.19% for the S&P 500. Gold posted positive returns in 9 out of 13 of these events.4 Even in the few instances of negative returns, gold still reduced portfolio drawdowns and helped mitigate volatility compared to portfolios without gold.

So it appears investors are wise to value the long-term potential of this precious metal. The ability to hedge against market volatility and persistently low correlation to both equities and fixed income5 can potentially make gold a compelling portfolio play.

Crypto: Achieving Stability and Innovation

In its early years, crypto was rightfully regarded as a speculative and highly volatile asset class. For instance, bitcoin’s price soared by over 1,300% in 2017, only to crash by 73% the following year.6 In 2020, the bitcoin rally renewed, gaining 300%, followed by another 60% bump in 2021, a 64% loss in 2022, and a 156% rebound in 2023.7

But crypto isn’t as unpredictably combustible as it once was. The market is maturing, regulatory barriers are falling, and volatility is subsiding — over the past seven years, bitcoin’s volatility has trended downward, to a point where its risk profile mirrors those of major tech stocks like Meta and Amazon.

While early investors jumped aboard the crypto bandwagon (or express train) hoping for quick gains, many of today’s investors are drawn to its longer-term impact on industries like healthcare, finance, real estate, and logistics. Blockchain technology has influenced this shift, with innovations ranging from decentralized data security for private health information to the tokenization of private market investments.

Institutional investors are also warming up to crypto exposure, thanks to availability of traditionally regulated investment products. Roughly 6 in 10 institutional investors now prefer registered vehicles to access crypto, such as exchange traded products and mutual funds, according to an EY report.8 And over half of surveyed institutions plan to invest in blockchain-related funds within the next two to three years — a clear vote of confidence in blockchain technology’s long-term growth prospects.

Shining Brightly, Together

Gold and crypto can be difficult to categorize. There are mixed opinions on whether these assets are principally commodities, currencies, or alternative investments. Classification ambiguity aside, it’s evident that gold and crypto play distinct yet harmonious roles in investor portfolios.

Crypto exposure can help investors capture the upside of technological innovation, with some inherent volatility as a tradeoff. Conversely, gold has been (and still is) valued as a stabilizer — a 2% to 10% allocation to gold may support portfolios, tactically and strategically, regardless of market conditions.

But these assets do share a commonality: today’s investors are increasingly using both to pursue diversified, long-term growth.

Keep Pace with the Latest Gold Trends

Gold Impact Animation

Keep Pace with the Latest Gold Trends

Want more insights like these? Dig into our 2024 ETF Gold Impact Study to learn more about the role gold plays in today’s portfolio.

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