
Sustainability Data Governance and Oversight in Asset Management: A Primer

Sustainable Investing Analyst
Sustainable Investing Research

State Street Global Advisors uses a wide range of sustainability datasets, metrics, indicators and tools to power quantitative scoring models and reports, to answer to regulatory requirements, and to drive engagement and stewardship activities where appropriate. In this piece, we discuss how we assess the robustness, correctness, precision, and trustworthiness of our data.

State Street Global Advisors has built granular processes and standardized systems to provide ongoing data quality controls, including robust reporting and to oversee the correct deployment of models. We also aim to standardize data distribution to all internal stakeholders, which helps us to avoid discrepancies and inconsistencies when handling or displaying results. This primer provides a high-level overview of some of our main governance, management, and oversight practices, such as:

  • Pre-onboarding and scrutinizing new datasets
  • Performing ongoing management of data updates
  • Overseeing the employment of data points as drivers of models and scoring mechanisms
  • Distributing metrics appropriately to internal stakeholders

More on Environmental, Social & Governance (ESG)