2024 Gold ETF Impact Study
What’s driving gold demand? Will gold investing trends continue? Tap into the latest gold investor study from State Street Global Advisors to find out.
Get the Results
Did you know? 84% of high net worth (HNW) gold ETF investors say gold ETFs have improved the overall performance of their investment portfolios.1

We surveyed more than 3,000 investors on gold familiarity, product preferences, and the overall value gold has in a portfolio. What did they say? Find out.
Findings from Our 2024 Gold ETF Impact Study
Gold Rush: HNW Investor Adoption Has Continued to Climb
The number of HNW investors who said they currently have gold in their investment portfolios increased significantly over the past 15 months — jumping from 20% to 38%. And among this segment, the average gold allocation has grown from 14% to 21%.
Does this rapidly growing investor base plan to change their allocation in the near future?
Striking Gold: Gold ETFs and Gold Bullion Most Popular
While gold bullion ranks as the most popular way investors hold gold, nearly half (44%) of HNW gold investors and more than one-quarter (26%) of emerging affluent gold investors said they own gold ETFs.
What factors are drawing investors to gold ETFs?
Key to Unlocking Gold Ownership: Financial Advisors
Among advised HNW investors, many of those who said they hold gold say their financial advisor (FA) plays a critical role in that investment by:
- Discussing gold with them (91%)
- Explaining the benefits of gold (88%)
- Informing them about the different ways they can invest in gold (86%)
- Recommending gold for the long term (82%)
And 90% of gold ETF investors said their advisor recommended a gold ETF because it was the “best way to invest in gold” — highlighting the significant role advisors can play in educating investors and helping them with allocation decisions.
Did You Know?
Among investors who said they don’t own gold, lack of knowledge about gold investing is a top reason why.
Among investors who said they don’t own gold, lack of knowledge about gold investing is a top reason why.
In our survey, “I don’t know enough about the ways I can invest in gold” was the #1 reason emerging affluent investors said they don’t own gold (#2 among HNW investors). Maybe this is true for you. Want to learn about ways to invest in gold? Curious about gold’s role in a portfolio? We can help.
The Gold Standard: Gold ETFs May Positively Impact Portfolio Performance
Across emerging affluent and HNW investors surveyed, the majority agree that gold ETFs have improved the performance of their portfolios (77% and 84%, respectively).
And, 69% of HNW gold investors agree that gold ETFs are the best way to invest in gold.
Millennial Investors Are Going for Gold
Among HNW investors, significantly more millennials (61%) said they have gold in their investment portfolios than Gen X (35%) and boomer (20%) investors. And their average gold allocation is greater, too: 29% compared to Gen X (13%) and boomers (10%).
Which types of gold investments do HNW millennials hold?
Crypto: Good as Gold?
Investors surveyed perceive gold and crypto to be complementary asset classes, not competitive. HNW investors who hold both gold and crypto say they play distinct roles in their portfolios:
- Gold is most used by surveyed repondents as a safe haven* or hedge for market corrections and recessions, market volatility, and inflation.
- Crypto is most used by surveyed respondents for its short-term growth potential and exposure to technological innovation.
According to the study, both gold and crypto are being used for their long-term growth potential.
How do recent adoption rates for gold and crypto compare?
What Else Is Covered?
Our 2024 Gold ETF Impact Study reveals what’s on the minds of US gold investors — from emerging affluent and HNW investors to financial advisors. And it’s jam-packed with insights like:
- Top reasons investors hold gold
- Perceived benefits of gold
- Trends in current and planned gold allocations
- Criteria investors consider when selecting gold ETFs
- The role gold ETFs play in investment portfolios
- And much more!
Don’t delay — dig into our study’s findings today.
Invest in SPDR Gold ETFs
Gross Expense Ratio
The fund's total annual operating expense ratio. It is gross of any fee waivers or expense reimbursements. It can be found in the fund's most recent prospectus.
$91,331.84 M
as of Mar 27 2025
SPDR® Gold MiniShares® Trust
Offers investors a lower share price and holding costs, at an expense ratio of just 10 bps.
View FundGross Expense Ratio
The fund's total annual operating expense ratio. It is gross of any fee waivers or expense reimbursements. It can be found in the fund's most recent prospectus.
$12,941.88 M
as of Mar 27 2025
About the Study
The State Street Global Advisors Research Center, in partnership with field partners A2Bplanning and Prodege, conducted a US online survey in July and August 2024 among a random sample of survey participants to assess the attitudes and behaviors around investing in gold and gold ETFs.
Data was collected from the following:
This survey further builds on research conducted with individual investors in March and April 2023. For the 2024 Gold ETF Impact Study, State Street Global Advisors Research Center expanded the scope to include emerging affluent and financial professionals.