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Don’t Miss Out on a Mid-Cap Allocation

Mid-cap stocks have a total market cap1 of $2.9 trillion2 — a big part of the market to be missing. And adding mid caps to a portfolio can potentially boost returns, as they have historically outperformed large and small caps.3

Which SPDR® Mid-Cap ETF Is Right for You? Explore the holdings of our mid-cap blend, value, and growth ETFs.

Sector MDY – Mid Cap 
Blend (%)
MDYV – Mid Cap 
Value (%)
MDYG – Mid Cap 
Growth (%)
Communication Services1.432.040.88
Select to reveal sector holdings
Consumer Discretionary15.5413.0617.83
Consumer Staples4.705.493.96
Health Care7.886.319.32
Information Technology9.126.5411.39
Real Estate7.089.794.71

MDYG Holdings —
Communication Services

Iridium Communications IncNew York Times Co/TheTKO Group Holdings IncZoomInfo Technologies Inc
Brought to you by MDY

Source: Fund data is from Bloomberg Finance, L.P., as of March 31, 2024.

This information should not be considered a recommendation to invest in a particular sector or to buy or sell any security shown. It is not known whether the sectors or securities shown will be profitable in the future. The holdings are taken from the accounting records of SSGA which may differ from the official books and records of the custodian.

Access the top ten holdings for MDY, MDYV, and MDYG.

Own a Piece of the Middle

Click on the funds to view factsheets and performance details for SPDR mid-cap ETFs.
