State Street Quarterly Asset Allocation ETF Portfolios

As an alternative to tactical and strategic portfolio management, the portfolios trade quarterly and target opportunities in global capital markets:

Quarterly Asset Allocation ETF Portfolios

Key Facts

  • Seeks to outperform the benchmark over a full market cycle
  • Focuses on identifying opportunities in the global capital markets
  • Rebalanced quarterly to serve as an alternative to tactical and strategic portfolio management


Seeks to capitalize on short- and long-term mispricing in the global equity and fixed income markets by overweighting asset classes that appear attractive and underweighting less attractive asset classes. Among these risk-based portfolios, the more conservative model portfolios are designed to focus on capital preservation, with some consideration given to growth of capital. The more aggressive model portfolios are primarily focused on growth of capital.

Rebalance Frequency

Typically 4 times per year

Explore the Portfolios

Six tactical portfolios span the efficient frontier and can be used to target a variety of return and risk objectives. Find the one that’s right for you.

US-Focused Quarterly Asset Allocation ETF Portfolios

Key Facts

  • Seeks to outperform the benchmark over a full market cycle
  • Focuses on identifying opportunities in the global capital markets with an emphasis on the United States
  • Rebalanced quarterly to serve as an alternative to tactical and strategic portfolio management


With a relative overweight to the US region, each portfolio seeks to capitalize on short- and long-term mispricings in the global equity and fixed income markets by overweighting asset classes that appear attractive, and underweighting less attractive asset classes. Among these risk-based portfolios, the more conservative model portfolios are designed to focus on capital preservation, with some consideration given to growth of capital. The more aggressive model portfolios are primarily focused on growth of capital.

Evaluation Frequency

Typically 4 times per year

Explore the Portfolios

Six tactical portfolios span the efficient frontier and can be used to target a variety of return and risk objectives. Find the one that’s right for you.

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Contact the State Street Models Team for more information or call a State Street ETF representative at 866-787-2257.

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