State Street Multi-Asset Income ETF Portfolios

Two models that seek to provide total return primarily using income and yield-generating ETFs:

Active Multi-Asset Income ETF Portfolio

Key Facts

  • Seeks to provide total return primarily using income and yield-generating ETFs in varied asset classes; including domestic and international equity, domestic and international investment-grade and high yield debt, hybrid securities, senior loans, and real estate investment trusts
  • Employs a tactical asset allocation approach that combines quantitative and qualitative analysis
  • Typically rebalanced monthly, but rebalancing may occur more or less frequently depending on market conditions


Seeks to provide total return by investing in income and yield-generating assets. Asset allocation decisions are based on a proprietary model, which incorporates macroeconomic, financial, and market data to arrive at a projected return forecast for each asset class. These projections are used to determine the weightings of each asset class to construct a portfolio that seeks to maximize total return.

Rebalance Frequency

12-20 times per year

Strategic Multi-Asset Income ETF Portfolio

Key Facts

  • Seeks to provide attractive income and favorable risk-adjusted returns primarily using ETFs
  • Offers a diversified mix of income investments that includes dividend-paying equities, investment grade fixed income, high yield bonds, bank loans, convertible bonds, preferred equities and REITS, including mortgage REITs
  • Employs a strategic asset allocation approach that evaluates target allocations and holdings on an annual basis


Seeks to generate a high level of income while diversifying to achieve favorable risk-adjusted returns. This diversification makes the portfolio appropriate to serve as a core income holding. The portfolio maintains its target allocation over time in an effort to provide a consistent risk profile, asset allocation and fund selection.

Evaluation Frequency


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