Piotr Borys

Head of SPDR Poland and an ETF Research Manager in the SPDR Research Group

Piotr Borys profile picture

Piotr is a Vice President of State Street Global Advisors, Head of ETF Poland and an ETF Research Manager in the SPDR Research Group. As a Research Manager he he is responsible for engaging with all channels of the sales organization to provide thorough ETF research and market/competitive analysis. Also, the members of the team utilize technology and create solutions to increase efficiencies in the workflow.

As a Head of ETF Poland Piotr is responsible for overseeing all operatons of ETF Strategists and Multi Assets Solutions in Poland.

Prior to joining SSGA, Piotr worked for 10 years at State Street Bank in Poland, building and managing various teams in fund accounting and administration area. Last two years before joining SSGA he spent on Leadership Development Programme, which consisted of rotations in multiple business areas including 6-month assignment in SSGA office in Sydney.

Piotr has studied International Relationships at the Cracow University of Economics.

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