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The Site is owned and operated by State Street Global Advisors Singapore Limited, Company No. 200002719D ("State Street Global Advisors Singapore"). State Street Global Advisors Singapore is a part of State Street Global Advisors, the investment management arm of State Street Corporation. 

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ETFs trade like stocks, are subject to investment risk, fluctuate in market value and may trade at prices above or below the ETFs net asset value. Brokerage commissions and ETF expenses will reduce returns. Frequent trading of ETF's could significantly increase commissions and other costs such that they may offset any savings from low fees or costs. 

In general, ETFs can be expected to move up or down in value with the value of the applicable index. Although ETFs may be bought and sold on the exchange through any brokerage account, ETFs are not individually redeemable from the Fund. Investors may acquire ETFs and tender them for redemption through the Fund in Creation Unit Aggregations only, please see the prospectus for more details. 

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Investing involves risk including the risk of loss of principal. 

Generally, among asset classes, stocks are more volatile than bonds or short-term instruments. Government bonds and corporate bonds generally have more moderate short-term price fluctuations than stocks, but provide lower potential long-term returns. U.S. Treasury Bills maintain a stable value if held to maturity, but returns are generally only slightly above the inflation rate. 

Investing in commodities entail significant risk and is not appropriate for all investors. Commodities investing entail significant risk as commodity prices can be extremely volatile due to wide range of factors. A few such factors include overall market movements, real or perceived inflationary trends, commodity index volatility, international, economic and political changes, change in interest and currency exchange rates. 

Risk associated with equity investing includes stock values which may fluctuate in response to the activities of individual companies and general market and economic conditions. 

Historical performance is not necessarily indicative of future performance of an investment. The value of Units/Shares (as defined below) and the income from them may fall as well as rise and investors may not get back the amount invested. Applications to create or redeem interests in any exchange traded fund referred to on this Site ("Units/Shares") may only be effected through participating dealers, and are generally only issued or redeemed in large blocks. Investors may request participating dealers to apply on their behalf for the creation and/or redemption of Units/Shares. Once listed, investors can also acquire or dispose of Units/Shares on the exchange on which such Units/Shares are listed like other publicly traded shares. However, listing does not guarantee a liquid market for Units/Shares. Units/Shares are traded on the relevant exchange at market price, which may be different from the net asset value per Unit/Share, and may be delisted. The prospectus in respect of the offer of the Units in the relevant fund referred to on this Site is available and may be obtained upon request, subject to availability, from State Street Global Advisors Singapore. Investors should read the relevant prospectus before deciding whether to acquire Units in the relevant fund. Units in the relevant fund are not obligations of, deposits in, or guaranteed by, State Street Global Advisors Singapore or any of its affiliates. Investors who are not participating dealers or approved applicants have no right to request State Street Global Advisors Singapore to redeem their Units while the Units are listed (see the relevant prospectus for details). Listing the Units on the Singapore Exchange Securities Trading Limited does not guarantee a liquid market for the Units. Please read carefully the risk disclosures in the relevant prospectus or other offering document before making any investment decision. 

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