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Data Analytics

Using ESG to inform better decision-making starts with the right data. With increased transparency and improved reporting, investors now have access to more insights than ever before to understand their exposures, take action to achieve their investment goals and monitor progress.


Our proprietary ESG scoring system draws on data from multiple providers, the Sustainability Accounting Standards Board (SASB)’s respected materiality framework and relevant corporate governance codes to generate a unique ESG score for 6,600 public companies.

Why we Built R-Factor™

At State Street Global Advisors, we believe that the consideration of financially material ESG factors in the investment process is an integral part of honoring our fiduciary duty. We believe doing so is our responsibility, and so we've built the Responsibility-Factor, or "R-Factor™," score.

R-Factor™ is an ESG scoring system that draws on multiple data sources and leverages widely accepted, transparent materiality frameworks to generate a unique ESG score for listed companies.

Quality data about companies’ ESG practices is critical for effective investment analysis, but the lack of standardization and transparency in ESG reporting and scoring presents major challenges for investors. R-Factor™ was built to solve for the data quality problem and to remove opaqueness around ESG materiality in the scoring process.

In doing so, R-Factor™ is designed to build more sustainable capital markets.

Defining Characteristics of R-Factor™

R-Factor™ is designed around four core pillars:

Supporting Sustainable Capital Markets

R-Factor™ supports the development of sustainable capital markets by giving investors the ability to invest in ESG solutions that integrate financially material ESG data while incentivizing companies to improve their ESG practices and disclosure in areas that matter. 

For companies

R-Factor™ offers clear guidance to boards and management teams on which ESG topics to focus on and disclose to investors. In doing so, this is the first ESG scoring system to offer companies a roadmap on which ESG practices to focus on managing and disclosing in order to enhance their scores and improve investors’ view of their ESG performance.

For investors

By investing in ESG solutions powered by R-Factor™, investors have the opportunity to ensure their capital is being allocated to companies that are focusing on managing and mitigating financially material ESG risks.

Featured Insights

Learn how State Street Global Advisors leverages stewardship and investment expertise to create a transparent scoring methodology that we believe will become an integral part of the financial system.

Contact Us

For questions or any further information on R-Factor scoring, please email us at