
Sector ETF Momentum Map See where Momentum is Creating Opportunity

For investors seeking to capitalise on return dispersion by implementing a sector rotation strategy, price momentum can be an indicator of emerging opportunities and risks. Powered by RRG® Research, the Sector ETF Momentum Map is a powerful tool that lets you see in real time how sectors are trending relative to their US, European and world benchmarks and relative to other sectors. To learn more about using the Momentum Map, please read our guide.

Compare Sector ETF Momentum

How it Works

The Sector ETF Momentum Map allows you to see how various segments of the economy are rotating by plotting each sector by its trend in relative strength vs. the benchmark (x axis) and momentum (y axis). Seeing all sectors on one screen allows you to quickly compare the relative trends of sectors and identify opportunities that can inform your sector investment strategy. To learn more about using the Momentum Map, please read our guide.

This tool works best when using Chrome.

Other Features of the Sector Momentum Map

See the trends in performance of sectors relative to the S&P 500, MSCI Europe or MSCI World indices

Plot up to 11 sectors at once

Animate up to seven months of historical data to see rotation trails

View daily or weekly intervals 

Overlay sectors from different regions on one view

RRG® research, in association with Optuma provides the Momentum Map using end of day ETF price data as quoted on various European exchanges.

"RRG" and "Relative Rotation Graphs" are registered Trademarks owned by RRG Research.

Keep Exploring ETF Sectors

The Sector Momentum Map is just one tool we provide investors to help them identify sectors to overweight or underweight in their portfolios.

Whether you are looking for qualitative or quantitative approaches to sector selection or proprietary insights into asset flows, we offer research-driven insights to help you capitalise on the dispersion of returns among sectors.

The Leader in Sector Investing

Delivered by the world’s first1 and largest sector ETFs provider2, State Street SPDR ETFs provide reliable, efficient strategies that investors can use to express their views with precision across the business cycle.