The State Street Global Advisor Funds Distributors, LLC (“SSGA FD”) Business Continuity Plan (the “Plan”) takes a risk-based, “all hazards” approach to contingency planning. SSGA FD‘s Plan is designed to ensure business continuity through multiple recovery strategies, including State Street-owned and leading third-party recovery provider facilities, as well as work-from-home, split operations and workload swap capabilities.
In the event of an interruption, under SSGA FD’s Plan, SSGA FD would recover its data center in its dedicated State Street- owned recovery facility. All applications are classified with recovery time objectives and sequentially ordered based on priority and dependency. This framework is designed to enable planning and recoverability for operations records based on scenarios in which access to the primary work facility is:
Testing is conducted every calendar year, incorporating critical processes and hosted applications. Also conducted regularly are processing sufficiency testing with limited staff and simulation exercises with Incident Management Team members and key business continuity personnel.