Before investing, consider the funds’ investment objectives, risks, charges and expenses. To obtain a funds Product Disclosure Statement or Target Market Determination which contains this and other information, visit the fund page using the links below or fund finder.
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The tables above show historical distributions from the funds. Historical distributions are no indication of future distributable income.
The distribution components are as calculated and reported to the Australian Securities Exchange ("ASX") at the time of each distribution. The year-end components reported to investors in their annual tax statements, once all year end information is finalised, may be different.
The ability of the Funds to pay distributions depends on, among other things, the dividends and distributions declared and paid by the companies whose securities are held by the Funds. There can be no assurance that such securities will pay dividends or other earnings. For further information on distributions, including tax implications, please refer to the relevant fund PDS. However, the information contained therein is not tax advice and investors should obtain their own professional tax and or financial advice.