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State Street Passive Balanced Trust

AUD $1.1609
as of 17 Jul 2024
Management Costs
0.26% p.a.
Base Currency
Fund Size
AUD $105.7 mn
as of 30 Jun 2024
Buy/Sell Spread

Key Features

  • Diversification - Multi-asset class exposure to 70% growth/30% defensive assets. 1
  • Low Cost Implementation - designed to be low-cost by using index strategies at the underlying asset class level.
  • Capture Capital Growth and Income - capture potential stock price growth opportunities and a moderate level of income.
  • Experienced Multi-Asset Team - managed by our Investment Solutions Group, a team established in 1989.
  • Investment Objective

    The State Street Passive Balanced Trust ("the Fund") is managed using an "indexing" investment approach, by which SSGA attempts to match, before expenses, the performance of the Benchmark.

    About this Benchmark

    The custom benchmark represents a multi-asset class exposure to 70% growth/30% defensive assets. The benchmark is a fixed combination of single asset class indices, rebalanced monthly.

    Investment Strategy

    We use a number of index strategies in managing the Fund. The asset allocation of the Fund is managed to remain close to its composite benchmark. At the beginning of each month, the Fund is rebalanced to reset the asset allocation back to the static benchmark weights. Exposure to each asset class is obtained by purchasing units in single asset-class indexed funds. Generally, a full replication index strategy is used for the underlying equity funds and a sampling index strategy for the fixed income funds.

    Fund Information as of 21 Jul 2024

    Benchmark Custom Benchmark
    Inception Date 31 May 1999
    Management Costs 0.26% p.a.
    Buy/Sell Spread 0.07%/0.05%
    Minimum Initial Investment AUD 25,000
    Pricing Daily
    Distribution Frequency Semi-Annually
    APIR Code SST0016AU
    ARSN Code 089 590 189
    ISIN AU60SST00167

    Fund Pricing as of 17 Jul 2024

    NAV AUD $1.1609
    Application AUD $1.1617
    Redemption AUD $1.1604

    Fund Performance

    • Fund Inception Date: 31 May 1999

    as of 30 Jun 2024

    As Of 1 Month 3 Months 1 Year 3 Years (p.a.) 5 Years (p.a.) Since Inception (p.a.)
    31 May 1999
    Fund (Gross) 30 Jun 2024 0.96% -0.90% 11.70% 4.83% 6.22% 7.08%
    Fund (Net) 30 Jun 2024 0.94% -0.97% 11.41% 4.55% 5.95% 6.78%
    Custom Benchmark
    30 Jun 2024 1.04% -0.79% 11.77% 4.86% 6.17% 7.02%
    Difference (Gross) 30 Jun 2024 -0.07% -0.11% -0.07% -0.03% 0.05% 0.06%
    Difference (Net) 30 Jun 2024 -0.10% -0.17% -0.36% -0.31% -0.22% -0.24%

    Past performance is not a reliable indicator of future performance. Performance returns for periods of less than one year are not annualised. The performance figures contained herein reflect Total Returns and are provided on a net and gross of fees basis. Performance figures are calculated using end-of-month exit prices except for the 'Since Inception' return which is calculated using NAV prices for the pre 1 January 2010 period, and end-of-month exit prices thereafter, assume the reinvestment of distributions and make no allowance for tax. Net performance figures are after management and transaction costs. Gross performance figures are before management costs but after transaction costs. Index returns are unmanaged and do not reflect the deduction of any fees or expenses. The calculation method for the value added returns may show rounding differences.

    Source: State Street Global Advisors

    Top Holdings

    Download All Holdings: Monthly

    The holdings are taken from the official books and records of the custodian and may differ from the accounting records of State Street Global Advisors.

    Source: State Street Global Advisors

    1 Exposure may passively exceed these ranges due to market movement, investor inflows and outflows or for reasons outside of the Responsible Entity's control and, if this occurs, it will be corrected as soon as practicable.

    Asset Allocation is a method of diversification which positions assets among major investment categories. Asset Allocation may be used in an effort to manage risk and enhance returns. It does not, however, guarantee a profit or protect against loss. Performance of the asset allocation funds depends on the underlying funds. These funds may be subject to the volatility of global financial markets (domestic and international) and additional risks associated with investing in high-yield, small-cap, and foreign securities. Equity securities may fluctuate in value in response to the activities of individual companies and general market and economic conditions. Investing in foreign domiciled securities may involve risk of capital loss from unfavourable fluctuation in currency values, withholding taxes, from differences in generally accepted accounting principles or from economic or political instability in other nations. Investments in emerging or developing markets may be more volatile and less liquid than investing in developed markets and may involve exposure to economic structures that are generally less diverse and mature and to political systems which have less stability than those of more developed countries. Bonds generally present less short-term risk and volatility than stocks, but contain interest rate risk (as interest rates raise, bond prices usually fall); issuer default risk; issuer credit risk; liquidity risk; and inflation risk. These effects are usually pronounced for longer-term securities. Any fixed income security sold or redeemed prior to maturity may be subject to a substantial gain or loss. Diversification does not ensure a profit or guarantee against loss. This information should not be used or construed as an offer to sell, a solicitation of an offer to buy, or a recommendation for any security.