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Emerging Market Debt at State Street Global Advisors $40+ Billion in EMD Assets

Emerging market debt is a versatile asset class, one that we believe should be an integral part of investors’ portfolios. For fixed income investors willing to move out on the risk spectrum, EMD still presents a significant yield pick-up opportunity.

At State Street Global Advisors, we are continuing to consolidate as one of the world’s leading index managers in Emerging Market Debt. After an exceptional period of growth over the last decade, our EMD assets under management now stand at more than $40 billion. We have been running indexed EMD strategies for almost two decades and our experience and expertise has underpinned the growth of this franchise.

EMD June 2024 Fig1

We have established track records against key EMD exposures:

  • EMD Local Currency Sovereigns
  • EMD Hard Currency Sovereigns
  • Emerging Market Hard Currency Corporate Debt

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