Fraud and Scams

State Street Global Advisors would like to remind you to diligently check the authenticity and reliability of information viewed on websites or received that claims to be related to, issued or authorised by SSGA, its employees or our affiliates. Scammers may use tactics such as unsolicited messages on third party messaging apps, phishing emails, cold calling or fake websites to try and entice you to invest in false products that feature SSGA’s name / logo (which may include use of the SPDR brand).

It has been reported that scammers have been impersonating the staff of SSGA or State Street group and / or promoting fraudulent documentation relating to a range of financial products.

It is important to stay alert to the risk of fraud and scams. SSGA does not conduct any business via third party apps such as WhatsApp, Telegram, WeChat, Instagram or Facebook.